Soon.... New year will be over..
Many unexpected ting happening this year..
ting lIke:Sha da jie n the tam ar break liao.. (Dun tink so much ar!!..)
Celine down with degue Fever... rashes and fever on n off..
Henry ar...his grandmother had juz pass away b4 new year...
My dar.. HIs Great grandmother pass away olso...
Edmund Ar... olso fall sick lol... B4 new year summore..
Mi ar...b4 new year the 1st few day sick.. now my Tummy feeling funny...OMG really take turn lol.. Suffering olso...can't eat much ting esp oily stuff... once Eat ar...immediately need to go
Toliet... SIck ar...Omg really not a good year man... Those need to go bai bai.. better go ar... to prevent all this wor...Hopefully after this month thing will turn better...